<aside> 💡 Ready to join the Ambassador program and seize the memes of production with us? Well you’re in the right place! Below are the requirements and processes involved in becoming an Ambassador.


<aside> ⚠️ This document is a work in progress, and will evolve. Check back occasionally.


First off, let's check you are doing this for the right reasons. Check your assumptions at the door, please:

❌  Being an Ambassador will NOT give you eternal fame and glory.

✅  Ambassadors will help onboard millions of users into the Optimism ecosystem through education.

✅  Being an Ambassador will up your skill level as a contributor, and in doing so, you will help others in the program up theirs through collaboration in an Optimistic environment.

Pre-flight checklist

<aside> 🚀 Optimism Ambassadors are highly values aligned with Optimism and are of course highly Optimistic!


Becoming an Ambassador Step 1: wannabe-ambassador

<aside> ✅ wannabe-ambassadorambassador-in-trainingambassador


  1. To show your interest, get the wannabe-ambassador role in the #become-an-ambassador Discord channel.
    1. Get Up To Speed:
      • [ ] Read pinned messages in Discord Ambassador Channels
      • [ ] Review upvoted Reddit posts in the r/optimismCollective
    2. Stay Active - Activity on Reddit in the r/optimismCollective will be a determining factor for the ambassador-in-training role
      • [ ] We use Reddit so you can cross post your content from other platforms here
      • [ ] Answer questions, upvote, downvote, use tags, and comment
      • [ ] Spamming and low quality activity will be obvious to your peers who will be voting on advancing you through the program

Becoming an Ambassador Step 2: ambassador-in-training

<aside> ✅ wannabe-ambassadorambassador-in-trainingambassador


To Obtain ambassador-in-training status: